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Jun 30, 2011:

♥LaLa Land™
='(( *sighh~

Dear diary,, Wed-dayy*29o611* .

I know it's Thursday already.
Just...... Shut it. hahahaha~ Chill!!

Woahh i woke up today like asdfghjkl;.
I lost my identity today. My identity!!
People who've been following my blog a long time ago won't be surprised.

It's been a long time since i last lost any valuables.
I've been doing good. But all this?
It's what i get when i have too many thoughts in my mind.
It's been a long time since i "thought". HAHA!! idiot. Jokinnn'~

Bintang.. bintang.. terlalu jauh di angkasa. Mungkin juga telah tiada.
Kamu tak berwujud tetapi tetap di mata. Mengapa? Bagaimana?

The interesting science, careful decisions of mother nature..
& God's miracles..he lives.. in my memories like starlight in galaxies.

We are the revolution. Neglect, forget & be neglected, forgotten.
It's not too late. It's never too late.

The devil continuously try to creep under our skins. Enter our blood.

Don't for a second allow. Don't surrender. Don't succumb to it.

But sad i couldn't go for the outing with classmates after school.
Chilled with Fana, Shanice, Mira, Herlmi, Ro & Jhonson
@ the staircase. Love the resonance~ Wee~
After that.. had lunch at McD with Nashh & Yaya. Been a while..

Rushed back to sch for Ignite briefing after realising i was late.
Ran like the wind only to get jam braked by a sudden nudge.

Wrong timing. Reckless choices. But i got to clear my mind for a moment.
Psyched for Ignite. Got the Mic Op.s position. We're gonna have a blast!!

Gonna be quite busy till Saturday. 've got soundcheck afterschool at 6.
Need to get my RJ done before all of that because I've got no time after.
Also no source for internet connections. Friday's the 1st day of Ignite.
Saturday is the last day & the teardown. Gonna have to stay in till 1/2am.

Had fun hangin' out with Hariz & his friends.
Crazy bunch. iPhone games~ i miss iSlash!!
Nothing much after that. Bought double choc with Hariz before heading home.
That's when I lost my identity & made the chase of my life
to get to that particular 172 bus at BoonLay interchange. No luck.


#Dishonest humans.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 2:09 PM

Jun 28, 2011:

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Tue-dayy*28o611* .

Media production tools & techniques.
It was my responsibility. Such irresponsibility.

I'm sorry.
That i'm so blur.
That i'm so clueless & irresponsible.
& after that get stressed & unintentionally give ppl problems.

I'm sorry that i used an angry tone to the dude taking care of the studio otp.
I'm sorry that i mumbled vulgarities in RPRC when it's my fault.
Even though it wasn't targeted to anyone, i'm sorry.
Also for the stressed faces i pulled. For that i'm truly, sincerely sorry.

Sorry that Myra had to bring home the XL2 because of my mistake.
Sorry that i should've insisted till she handed it to me.

Sorry that my classmates are so nice.
Sorry that i didn't entertain people because of the panic.

I'm in such a daze.. Even though i had so much fun in class.
Sad that it had to be ruined because of something like that.

Such a waste. Even though the ending wasn't that bad.

Sorry to my classmates who could've attended the CE talk

Chilled with classmates after sch.
Tried to solve the problem.
Had a talked with Mimi.
Dinner, & headed for home.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 9:15 PM

:In need of star therapy.

♥LaLa Land™
Where are you..?

Dear diary,, Mon-dayy*27o611* .

Yes. Monday post on a tuesday morning.
So what's new eyhh? Hahahaha~

Love my class.
Love my class.
Love my class.
ADORE my class. x3

Drawing class on a Monday~
Ahh sst sst ooh sst stt shiok ahh!
Hahaha~ Boy was the weather HOT.
So.. many.. spirals.. So.. many.. trees. O.o||

Bullying Larry our faci~ Talking about the psychotic elmo.
Talkin' in British Accents. & then VERY RAW singlish.

Chasing clouds.. to draw them. =( They flew awayy~
& going crazy. So.. much.. graphite.. EFF. EFF. EFF

After school was fun too~ AmiWalrus you TRAITOR.
I HATE YOU. When VampireBoy's there you totally ditched us..

Hahaha!!~ Cursing at you all the from behind. Woohoohoo~ =P

Jokin'!! =) But it would do good if he'd actually be nice to us. _|_

Teehee~ Ohh well..........
You two look sweet together.
Though he's too tall & pale & skinny &- & annoying.
Ahahaha!!~ Lalalalala~ Okay fine i take that back. Sorta~ =P

Bumped into the DBHB kids.
They were headin' for jamming at BrasBasah.
Invited to tag. Shanice, HuiLi & everyone else went too~
Had a lot of fun. Matin jumping around like a monkey. Not that rare to see.

After which the guys left at night.

Me, Shanice, Herlmi & Ro went for Dinner at McD.

Yum yum yum. Found out i dunnid do rj~ ASSAHH!!~ Free~
Awesome music & conversation playing at Mac. =)


Sent Shanice to Raffles place MRT before heading to our usual.
Marina Bay Sands.
Wanted to see the sampan rides under Rain Ocullus.
& i striked DejaVu. The never ending escalators in my dreams..

Just like the ones in MBS.
When you follow the direction of the fountain towards the Sampans..
& look up. I'm telling you it's exactly the same & i've never been there.
So awesome. Hahah~ Herlmi & Ro switched personalities.

Herlmi was for some weirdly unknown reasons hyper & noisy.
Ro was a tad too chilled & quiet. But they got over it i guess.
A little more conversation & me wanting to murder Mimi.
& we were well on our way home.

oh yeah. Dudes & Dudettes. I get it. I've got i bags.
Not totally bummed out about it though.
I remind myself of the characters in TheGorillaz Feel Good Inc Mv.
I like urban st. shit. They're raw & scene-ish.
At the same time i'm on a floating piece of land with a windmill.
That's how my dreams look like. Mix of fantasy & reality.
You won't get to see it. Not unless you step into my mind's eye.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 10:19 AM

Jun 27, 2011:

♥LaLa Land™
Weekends! Y U NO stay longer?!

Dear diary,, Sun-dayy*26o611* .

Last night.........
I dreamt about "The Coffee Bean.

In search of the best cafe?
In search of you?
It was a fragrant dream.
The only thing that could pull off Relaxation mode deep in Adrenaline.

I've reached Zen mode.
Where it doesn't matter what people think of me anymore.
Although if they understood it would be nice.
But i'm not afraid to lose anyone.

However, where i need to go now.. from here.. where i'm at..
is to find a way to use of that & make something off myself.

Get it? hmm.. i think this is the best i can describe it.
My emotions are in a blurry but sharp state.

Somewhere in a mix between stoic, numb, stoned & scribbled.
Anyone understand? Raise your hands.

..... yeahh me neither. =/

I am floating on cloud 9. Aiming for a rocket ride to outerspace.

To infinity & beyond!!

Attended Tanglin Music Fest tonight.
Though the starting was a bit of a bore.. snoozefest.
But after that was okay. Expected more from the hiphop dancers though. =/
Chehh. But the Jazz was awesome. That's the SEX babe.

There was Rit Xu & friends.. talented bunch.
Also PAC Singapore Jazz Ensemble & the Harmonix.
Couldn't help but gawk at their skills. Really.. prodigies. -.-
Hahaha~ Well.. The day ended with dinner all the way at JurongPoint.

Why? Because someone mengidam McDonalds'.

Crazy in the MRT otw BoonLay really. PHAIL-ed rapping. LoL!

Hahaha~ Okayy lorhh..... Nice atmosphere in JP at night.

There was Artificial Rain. Or.. Someone watering plants from 2nd floor.
Whichever goes. You choose. Hahaha.




SyidahAinVeeJr.; 2:07 AM

Jun 26, 2011:This time last year.. =/

♥LaLa Land™
Replug outing 2o'11!!~

Dear diary,, Sat-dayy*25o611* .

Not bad~ it was fun really.
At 1st i doubted it coz a lot of people couldn't attend..

Can't believe they didn't come just because they "didn't feel like it.
We changed the date for you guys! But you just didn't show up.
There were a lot more people who could make it last week.
-Last sentence i won't type down because...................-


But really Sentosa was fun.. =)
Had the most awesome-EST bus ride to harbourfront via 188.
Got to read my book. Now i'm 2/3 along the pages.
Met up with the replugios at Seah Imm to eat.
................ or nibble.

That lasted me for a good 7-8 hrs to come.
Coz dinner for us was only when we left Sentosa to Seah Imm again.

Anyway.. a lot of hot bods on the beach at first. NUS.
After that less hot girls more hot guys. Too bad.


We turned Edward into a mermaid with a dick,
Wancai into something with one boob & a dick,

BigBobby into..... uhh.....

Spent the day running away from getting thrown into the water.


Hahaha. Irritating. I didn't bring spare clothes!!!
Slowly.. numbers increased & group got a lot larger.
The music played on the beach was awesome at the start..
& in the evening. A familiar voice.. but who? A girl.

The only musical instrument we brought this time was the pandeiro.
Dansen came SUPER late with his guitar so forget that. O.o
Rode the bus back to Vivo at night to meet up with the rest.
Dinner was less satisfactory because i couldn't finish the food.


I didn't eat anything so angin dah masuk dalam perut.
I just felt like puking when i ate.
After dinner we headed to bungy bar!! @ClarkeQuay
to watch Khim & Cheng's live performance.


That's pretty much how the night ended.
Got annoyed by cai & danny otw hm.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 2:48 PM

Jun 25, 2011:Spot the difference

♥LaLa Land™
How i feel like in class just now.

Dear diary,, Fri-dayy*24o611* .

Seriously screwed up.
Today's class was about..  #Typography.

I have no interest to come to class on time anymore these days..  -.-
Though my classmates are AWESOME as hell...................
Wait, hell isn't awesome. But they are!! *doofus face.
Point is.....  i felt a little fake-suicidal in class. _|_

Ahahaha!!~ Not much interaction with anyone in class today. Stressed uhh.
Neither online nor to anyone who was too far away unless
They are super near me or come to my place or
maybe effing disturb me. HAHA!! -.-

UT after school which was good..... =)
A nice way to mark the end.

UT2 which is coming up soon however.....
I'd just want to slaughter off if it was a human figure or if there's any way..

Ahh whatever. Hahaha~ Finished UT after the last 15mins.
Enough time to go out to the ladies & roll around on the chair outside class.
Talked to UncleJuJuJuraimi a while about the answers I typed. 

Quite straightforward.. was today's UT. =)


After UT the kechohrable classmates walked together..
in all noisy-ness..... to the interchange. Hahaha!
So noisyyy~ but i'm not exaggerating their super awesome-ness.
Especially whatever happened in the elevator. What-the-well!

Dinner with the girls at Banquet! Fana breakin' fast.
The girls threatening to kill AmyJ's VB. Also disturbing a little boy.
EXTREMELY round & "robust was he. Hahahaha! Cute kid.
& meeting my mum & chilhood friends' mum up. Shopping!



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 2:46 AM

Jun 23, 2011:

♥LaLa Land™
Cuties on tumblr makes me bubbly.

Dear diary,, Thur-dayy*23o611* .

Heeheehee!!~ So adorable.
I keep learning more & more ways to cheer myself up.

Came late for "Art of Story" class.  =/
Why? I've got no mood for class. Life is a daze~
Stories we came up with were interesting.
How pictures interpreted it? Not so much.

What came after.. UT for DTNM. Ughh.
Almost had to actually pen the answers down on paper.
If that had happened? EFF YOU FOzzz! =.=
& even worse.. right before UT i started feeling butterflies.

For no particular reason. Like telling me something's up.
Whatever man. I mean pshh. hahh..

I need to find cures for nerves.
An answer a friend offered? Sex. Harharhar.

After everything.. i had a talk with a........... friend.
Learnt a lot. Things like this are the best to build trust.
When you actually learn a person's past, you understand why.. 

Why they do the things they do. & vice versa.


Had fun at dinner with the DSA freaks. Haha!!
Okayy2. Not freaks. No. Just..
Wacky.. Crazy.. & hilariousLy wonderful kids.
Reminiscing my past. Old teachers.. old friends.. haha! =)

i feel old.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 10:51 PM

Jun 22, 2011:

♥LaLa Land™
Naming me.

Dear diary,, Wed-dayy*22o611* .

Thought maybe I'd join the replugios today..
but my sprained muscle preached "Forget it. So yeahh..

Felt like class ended too early..  =(
Ate at Art bites & went to scream our heads off at the staircase~
Why? The resonance is awesome. =) Ahahahaha~
Pretty much had Zee sang all the fabu songs.

Boy~ can that girl SING. xD

More eating.. meeting Zana babyJr. at CWP..
Watch the GreenLantern movie. Not bad i guess~
Freakin' cooooooooooold~ brr! DD'=
& i guess.. that's it with today.

Now i'm just stalling. -.-

Don't know how everything's gonna go down.
Don't know what to type. Nyahaha~

I miss..
I miss..
I.. just.. really fcukin' miss.. 

my star. my star. my star.


fcuking get that.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 10:17 PM


♥LaLa Land™
So weird.

Dear diary,, Tue-dayy*21o611* .

Late tuesday post on a wednesday morning!
So we walked for like 6 hours ytd. -.-zzz

But we had fun! =D
At 1st it was just me, Leena & Victoria.
Still fun though! Talking & laughing & stuffz.
Waiting for them to upload the photos.

Y'know it's weird how similar me & Leena can be.
The things we've experienced, the way we fall for people, exs..
Slacking like hell during PSLE but getting into express. =/
Even our habits. Like jumping on the curb at the same time.

That was awesome coz i REALLY didn't see her.
I was standing in front & just wanted to balance on the freakin' thing.

Gotta do this again sometime.. hahaha!~  Anyway.. Vic was sick. =(
So she went home earlier.....................

After that me & Leena met up with Herlmi & Ro.
Went to complete our locations at Arab st. & Clarke quay.
After that we had dinner at Burger king & walked around town.
Had fun sitting by the riverside to rest & visiting Marina bay sands.

Rain Oculus!!~

We came just in time to have some conversations across the disk..
Pick fights & a failed attempt at Truth or dare..
Toss a couple of 20cent/5cent coins..

& catch the whirlpool!xD


Awesome timing huh? =))
& Leena almost bailed on us askin' us to go ahead
while she waits by the river on the other end of MBS. -.-
Hahaha! She had fun. =)


Romeo met Juliet.
This urban story that takes place under city skylines..
might actually have a happy ending.
They get to decide.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 11:43 AM

Jun 20, 2011:ARGHH!!!!

♥LaLa Land™
Especially for things unintended.

Dear diary,, Mon-dayy*2oo611* .

bloody pissed.

How am I supposed to type without unintended people getting paranoid?
The post before this.. originally wasn't intended to be published by me.
But since people think that things i write on the web are about them..
It's published. It was written long ago btw..

You don't fit the description? It's not you.
Went WoodlandsWaterfront with classmates & cuzzy!
Right after drawing lesson. Having observed i realised..
The world is so small & complicated in terms of details.

Keeping my mouth shut for now.

Zipped & lock the key away~ 
wee!!~ Starting from........




SyidahAinVeeJr.; 7:57 PM

Jun 19, 2011:Rant post to some twitpocrite.

♥LaLa Land™
I'll TRY to keep this short.

Dear diary,, Sun-dayy*19o611* .

This "rant-filled post, is for closure.
In hopes the subject is never brought up again..

RT: "If you really dgaf, why did you post idgaf 99999 times?
Well guess what i DO give a Fck.
Because i don't have a problem with you.
Because i dunno which of my problems you have a "beef with.

But just so we clear.
Ain't me who started it homie. 'was you.
& i ain't paranoid babe. Your unfollow was a bonus.
Thank you for following my instructions. This way life is good for both.

At least those kids showed disagreement with me openly.
If you hate me that much you should too.

If you, like me.. want to avoid arguments? Show restraint. 
But I'm all here & all ears.

& yeahh. i ain't stupid. i know he's blind.
i know they're blind. i look in the mirror. Pictures are evident.
Ain't no fool goin' 'round thinkin' i'm some huge-assed celeb paparazzis love.
Look in the mirror before judgin'.

I didn't brag on myself. It wasn't me who said anything.
It was him & i'm pretty sure he was jokin'.
Can't take a joke?
Well i'm sorry to hear that.

p.s. & i thought you were better than that honestly.
i don't need this.
i don't need you.
I still have nothing against you but this. Have a good day sir. Sincerely.

My mama always said "Life was like a box a' chocolates..
You never know watcha gonna g'it. -ForestGump

Oh dear God.. let this be the last drama for this semester
if not till the end of the year or maybe my poly life even,



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 6:01 PM

Jun 18, 2011:

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Sat-dayy*18o611* .

Arghh.. zzz.
Hahh...... *sighing too much.

Ohh im sorry.. =/
It's my fault.
Completely my fault.
Always has been my fault.


& ohh no.. no..
This isn't sarcasm.
Just leave me be. I kinda feel a bit pathetic now. Still care enough for you.
Well.. as compared to a friend's life.. mine's just charming.

Alahh.. just go with the flow.

My life might change direction soon.
Yours too..

If i can survive on my own..
Who's to say you can't?
Fetish for Japanese accents~
Cute kid. xD

Had an awesome time with classmates ytd.
Walking around Uniqlo for tee-shirts that cost $25 but are prolly worth 5.
Fuck branding. I mean come on. Seriously? Pasar malam's more worth it.
& the disghusting convos we had. Hahaha!

& Atin's bdayy party just now.. O.o
Well yeah. No comments.
But at least i get to hug her. Wee~ =)
Nothing much really..Hoping for a better Sunday.


Lastly.. I've only recently realised that..
I haven't had any secrets in my blog for a while.. You know..
Hidden stuff.
The ones only some people would know where to look.
Guess I have nothing to hide these days. =)
& maybe my brother is a good man after all..

p.s. i didn't mean the words in the picture. Peace.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 11:51 PM

♫|Nostalgia| |Melancholy|♪