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Oct 31, 2010:plans.. hiatus.. disappearing act?

♥LaLa Land™
Happy official Halloween!~ ♥

Dear diary,, Sun-dayy*301o1o* .


ohh goshh.. it's that time again.
it feels like winter only i ain't sittin' nowhere near the fire place.

as a halloween special..
the 1st track for today till about 8.30am tomorrow..
will be UneXpect's DesertUrbania.
credits to panda for the intro.

so.. plans for upcoming week?
hiatus again? hmm.. we'll see.
or at least a pop in, pop out thing..

alls i know is that i gotta be at
PlazaSg starbucks by 18oohrs on monday.

tuesday i've gotta do stuffz coz we're released early.
wednesday.. not sure if the stuffs are gonna continue..
whatever it is.. be surprised.
hahs.. kayy whutt?

VERY queasy..
ohh WHY?!?!

hat please!
i'm going on an island wide scavenger hunt!!
anyone wanna tag?
no really.. it's a scavenger hunt!

there'll be prizes for people goin~~
aww come on!!



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 8:36 PM

Oct 30, 2010:Halloween tomorrow!~ ♥

♥LaLa Land™
Halloween!~ ♥

Dear diary,, Sat-dayy*301o1o* .

Sick end of the week! x3

started sick ended sick.
just fab.

it literally started sick.
my flu got really bad again bt faci won't release us
for 1st break.
unintentional attitude here..

so ytd we did a website design mock-up.
after which.. 
after school i had to go home to type up mum's documents..
so me & Dan rushed home before the halloween party.

met him at & his friends at Woodlands..
then met Frhna & Ian at sch.
a lot of crap at south food court. xD
so there we were.. heading to agora halls.

inside.. met up with Jo, Charlotte & gang at the dancefloor..
we were goin' nuts. haha! wild & random-filled night.
where's Izzul with my hat?

after the halloween party..
walked with Dan & the gang back to Wdlnds.
Then hung out with shah's gang. |freakin' random people|
& we continued with the MassMindfcukSess.

& i brought that forward to the Replugios at deck.
MindfcukSharingSess. haha!
Awesome night.
They're gonna bring that shit to next yrs camp. -.-||

wondered if i should've gone wit' em for shisha.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 12:40 PM

Oct 28, 2010:Anticipation.

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Thur-dayy*281o1o* .


DejaVu season II

more DejaVu~
hmm.. weird.

anyway.. feeling super sick early in the morn.
thankful to have great friends & new classmates.
feeling a lil better now..
can't wait till 16oohrs!~

All the best replugios!
gonna go watch!
and i'm waiting for my pay. =X

i wonder..
well well.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 1:28 PM

:Here marks the start of the DejaVu streak.

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Wed-dayy*271o1o* .


DejaVu season.
completely. =/

haha! i find this freakingly amusing.
early in the morn that stupid blues clues melody
kept playing in my mind.
a freakin' never-ending loop!

then in the afternoon someone [forgot who]
sang it. RANDOM. O.o||
and at night too.. at deck. Bobby!!~ & Farhan~ xD
it's freaky how after so many years that song suddenly came up.

anyway.. lesson was uber fun.
we were given the trigger problem of creating an exhibit
to invoke feelings from the audience.
awe | nostalgia | hilarity | revulsion | anger

so our team picked nostalgia..
incorporated interactivity, contrast between then and now, etc.
i liked what Liyana's team did.
revulsion: 4 cups held out for us to touch/smell.

after which they showed us videos of what the cups represent.
wicked and totally grossed out!!~
AWESOME. haha~

At deck, my temptations was inevitably brought to life..
after months of quitting.. 1 day of reliving..
now i need continuity.

but holding back isn't an easy task. haishh..
Bobby & Farhan are so nutty!
had so much laughter till my insides ached.
Monsters Inc. Sully, Mike & Boo. =_=||

interesting how things take effect on you.. eyhh?
ahh well.. let's see how the story goes..
watch closely as it slowly unfolds.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 1:20 PM

Oct 27, 2010:

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Tue-dayy*261o1o* .


it does things to me.

Reached sch at o715+ coz dad drove me.. =/
Started class with laptop givin' problems.
Me & Daniel sent his laptop to IT helpdesk.
but we sure wasted our time trying to borrow one.

Freakin' charged me for services i didn't attain.
they didn't tell me they hadn't any with CS4 installed
when i specifically asked.
& i had to get my laptop all the way in class for fcuk.

so i paid $5 to say "what's the point of that?"
to their faces..
ok restrain restain RESTRAIN!!

like i said..
it does things to me.
some other funny stuff happened
but i forgot what coz i was caught up in the photoshop timewarp.

ytd i watched the rehearsals for the Reflections opening
& saw a double |rain|bow together with the Replugios.


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SyidahAinVeeJr.; 4:14 AM

Oct 25, 2010:

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Mon-dayy*251o1o* .

MoMoMonday~ xD

Happy 17th birthday Sol~
adorable lahh eu!
haha.. hope you liked my prezzie~
scared it didn't turn out that well.. =/

Anyways.. Chandran's lesson was.. =/
a lil dry.. but cute sia he! haha. lame ass.
watched Kaiji and a whole bunch of vidz during class.

YuenMei stopped by after her class at about 123ohrs
to transfer all the movies!!~
yay!~ thanks you veli de mucho~ xD

a whole lot of laughing~ as usual.
from morn till night.
ohh my word Daniel & Diana!
that stupid hand-trick-what-number-comes-next shit was =_=||

fustrating shyatt. haha!
gotta go research more photoshop skills for tomorrow..
yum2!~ thai green leaf curry fried rice? SiamKitchen~

kecyqq you annoying lah.
irritating cat!
unwanted sibling sleeping over my room. LoL.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 11:47 PM

Oct 24, 2010:need to lay down by the fireplace.

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Sun-dayy*241o1o* .


reflecting what went on a couple of days.
my WORD you should take a chill pill.
takleh angkat joke relek one corner
like the true malay you are.
not like i even did anything to intentionally piss you off. =_=
sorry. minah mode will stop now.

anyways.. went for training just now.
they demonstrated a bit of iPhoto, iMovie & garage band..
haha~ cool. Wandi keeps bullying me!
haha! vexing fella..

having those ache-filled buzzings in my head again.
i'm quite sure it's coz of the weather.
the pain won't go away even if i shout "shoo!" ='(

also.. SharBear!
i really thought you were one of my lil godsis or something.
Gosh when you change your number..
include your name in your texts!

need to pop some pills.
well well..

somebody giving me reasons to scream.
ahh well~ all the more reason to..
look some other direction.
not like we need a key anyway.
Weren't locked up in the first place. boo~
fcukthisshyatt. =)



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 11:16 PM

Oct 22, 2010:

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Fri-dayy*221o1o* .


DANIEL sitting beside me is saying..
"dear diary today i'm sitting beside a funny man named Daniel"
"he's so cute- ehk don't lah!"
*starts typing*

okay random.
he keeps reading those LoveGivesMeHope stuffz. =_=
today's lesson is quite dry. =/

stomach ache! ='(
haha~ Friday!~ yay..
Next friday goin' to the Halloween function with Diana & Daniel.
yay~ haha.

chasing the red thread.

well well..


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SyidahAinVeeJr.; 3:16 PM

Oct 21, 2010:Faci oh Faci.

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Thur-dayy*211o1o* .


=_=|| i anticipated this.
the faci keeps looking over at me.
"let's get someone to read the problem statement"
"okay Vee!"

tch. haha! the Faci like kindergarten teacher.
he keeps drawing stuffs & LOVES colours.
haha. cute lahh eu cher.

early in the morning Fad called.
=_=|| tak habis2. met up at Lot1 for awhile.
bloody idiot. ahaha!

gtg rush off to work again later after school.
*sigh* ohh well~

L~ is for the way you look~ at me.
O~ is for the only one~ i see~
V! is very~ extra unordinary~
E~ is even more that anyone that you adore~

fcuk. i'm high.

okay so updates.
otw to work.. hungry~ ='(
might be goin deck after work coz i didn't ytd.


SyidahAinVeeJr.; 9:14 AM

Oct 20, 2010:The perfume jungle.

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Wed-dayy*2o1o1o* .


HAHA!! omg class was freakin' wild today!
you can say we're all party animals
having the jungle fever~
okay seriously UBER fantabulous. xD

had to prepare something for visual/hearing impaired kids.
rules? no language. because it might also be used for foreigners.
you'd think that it's easier to handle hearing disabilities..
but really the fun presentations were with the visually impaired.

we incorporated and triggered all the 5 senses except sight.
hear, taste, touch & smell. xD

anyway.. afterschool i had to rush off straight to work.
posted at MilleniaWalk this time.
been awhile since i went there.
no wonder it looked familiar when i googled it.

it's the place bLsBabyJr. had her LiLMissCinderella modelling comp.
haha!~ busy2. nights filled with wild, nutty people..
& the super strong fragrance of perfume.
Senteurs de Provence

Which reminds me..
i gotta check out the chocoLatte shop over there tomorrow. yum!

 when you fall in love with someone.
you just do.
you have no motive, no intentions, just a whole lot of foolishness.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 11:11 PM

Oct 19, 2010:butterflies.. i hate this.

♥LaLa Land™
ah ye lah.

Dear diary,, Tue-dayy*191o1o* .

Tueday is Tuesday!!~

butterflies fly away~

weird day today.
went bedok then back tamp & boarded the bus.
though i left super early i expected my self to be late.
walked like zombie. O.o

once i alighted 168 i went..
bus queue %*&^* long.
so i just strolled to class.

if you're gonna be late might as well..
eyes like.. =_= zZz

ehk walao!!
can't effing figure out what i did to my photos.
now how the heck am i gonna finish my Rj.. =_=


i wonder if i'd ever utter dare.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 4:34 PM

Oct 18, 2010:A new week.

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Mon-dayy*181o1o* .


Happy birthday to my darling bLs!!~
may you always be happy & healthy.
& hope you last long with him. x3

Cognitives. =(
sleeping over at Tamp. =/
should i?
coz i don't wanna have to wake up early for sch tomorrow.

woke up chaos earlier this morning. =_=||
tuesday, sch finishes early. yay~
wed & thur, after school need to rush down to MilleniaWalk.
That means, Woodlands to DhobyGhaut & then to PromenadeCC.

1o more days to pay.
gotta settle necessities 1st.
gotta seriously start being responsible with finances.
JiaYou!~ xD

so jeal. =_=



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 11:00 AM

Oct 17, 2010:mmmhh..

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Sun-dayy*171o1o* .






SyidahAinVeeJr.; 2:16 PM

Oct 16, 2010:eekhh. the friction in my throat.

♥LaLa Land™

Dear diary,, Sat-dayy*151o1o* .


ice-ing myself.
woke up thinking i felt better.
but when i stood up my system went wobby on me.

super hot body temp + super cold wet cloth= tornado in my world.

Langkawi or no Langkawi?
haha. that is the Q.
i'll get back to you on that kayy bro?

payslip soon~
281o1o. xD
i wanna die my ha a aa a aaair~
i wanna die my hair. ^^

sorry panda.
me no go ur gig. again.
i don't think walking around is an opt today.

there's still Sunday.



SyidahAinVeeJr.; 9:10 PM

♫|Nostalgia| |Melancholy|♪